#!/usr/bin/env zsh # # Spaceship ZSH # # Author: Denys Dovhan, denysdovhan.com # License: MIT # https://github.com/spaceship-prompt/spaceship-prompt # Current version of Spaceship # Useful for issue reporting export SPACESHIP_VERSION='4.10.1' # Set SPACESHIP_ROOT if it isn't defined yet or if the directory does # not exist anymore (e.g. after an update to a newer version) # See https://github.com/spaceship-prompt/spaceship-prompt/pull/1280 if [[ -z "$SPACESHIP_ROOT" || ! -d "$SPACESHIP_ROOT" ]]; then # Determination of Spaceship working directory # https://git.io/vdBH7 if [[ "${(%):-%N}" == '(eval)' ]]; then if [[ "$0" == '-antigen-load' ]] && [[ -r "${PWD}/spaceship.zsh" ]]; then # Antigen uses eval to load things so it can change the plugin (!!) # https://github.com/zsh-users/antigen/issues/581 export -r SPACESHIP_ROOT="$PWD" else print -P "%F{red}You must set SPACESHIP_ROOT to work from within an (eval).%f" return 1 fi else # Get the path to file this code is executing in; then # get the absolute path and strip the filename. # See https://stackoverflow.com/a/28336473/108857 export -r SPACESHIP_ROOT="${${(%):-%x}:A:h}" fi fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # CONFIGURATION # The default configuration that can be overridden in .zshrc # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if [ -z "$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_ORDER" ]; then SPACESHIP_PROMPT_ORDER=( time # Time stamps section user # Username section dir # Current directory section host # Hostname section git # Git section (git_branch + git_status) hg # Mercurial section (hg_branch + hg_status) package # Package version node # Node.js section bun # Bun section deno # Deno section ruby # Ruby section python # Python section elm # Elm section elixir # Elixir section xcode # Xcode section swift # Swift section golang # Go section perl # Perl section php # PHP section rust # Rust section haskell # Haskell Stack section scala # Scala section java # Java section lua # Lua section dart # Dart section julia # Julia section crystal # Crystal section docker # Docker section docker_compose # Docker section aws # Amazon Web Services section gcloud # Google Cloud Platform section venv # virtualenv section conda # conda virtualenv section dotnet # .NET section ocaml # OCaml section vlang # V section kubectl # Kubectl context section ansible # Ansible section terraform # Terraform workspace section pulumi # Pulumi stack section ibmcloud # IBM Cloud section nix_shell # Nix shell gnu_screen # GNU Screen section exec_time # Execution time async # Async jobs indicator line_sep # Line break battery # Battery level and status jobs # Background jobs indicator exit_code # Exit code section sudo # Sudo indicator char # Prompt character ) fi if [ -z "$SPACESHIP_RPROMPT_ORDER" ]; then SPACESHIP_RPROMPT_ORDER=( # empty by default ) fi # PROMPT OPTIONS SPACESHIP_PROMPT_ASYNC="${SPACESHIP_PROMPT_ASYNC=true}" SPACESHIP_PROMPT_ADD_NEWLINE="${SPACESHIP_PROMPT_ADD_NEWLINE=true}" SPACESHIP_PROMPT_SEPARATE_LINE="${SPACESHIP_PROMPT_SEPARATE_LINE=true}" SPACESHIP_PROMPT_FIRST_PREFIX_SHOW="${SPACESHIP_PROMPT_FIRST_PREFIX_SHOW=false}" SPACESHIP_PROMPT_PREFIXES_SHOW="${SPACESHIP_PROMPT_PREFIXES_SHOW=true}" SPACESHIP_PROMPT_SUFFIXES_SHOW="${SPACESHIP_PROMPT_SUFFIXES_SHOW=true}" SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX="${SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX="via "}" SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX="${SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX=" "}" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # LIBS # Spaceship utils/hooks/etc # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPACESHIP_LIBS=( "lib/utils.zsh" # General porpuse utils "lib/cache.zsh" # Cache utils "lib/worker.zsh" # Async worker "lib/hooks.zsh" # Zsh hooks "lib/section.zsh" # Section utils "lib/core.zsh" # Core functions for loading and rendering "lib/prompts.zsh" # Composing prompt variables "lib/cli.zsh" # CLI interface "lib/config.zsh" # Loading Spaceship configuration file "lib/testkit.zsh" # Testing utils ) # Load and precompile internals for lib in "${SPACESHIP_LIBS[@]}"; do builtin source "$SPACESHIP_ROOT/$lib" spaceship::precompile "$SPACESHIP_ROOT/$lib" done # Load and precompile this file spaceship::precompile "$SPACESHIP_ROOT/$0" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY WARNINGS # Show deprecation messages for options that are set, but not supported # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # pyenv to python deprecation warnings spaceship::deprecated SPACESHIP_PYENV_SHOW "Use %BSPACESHIP_PYTHON_SHOW%b instead" spaceship::deprecated SPACESHIP_PYENV_PREFIX "Use %BSPACESHIP_PYTHON_PREFIX%b instead" spaceship::deprecated SPACESHIP_PYENV_SUFFIX "Use %BSPACESHIP_PYTHON_SUFFIX%b instead" spaceship::deprecated SPACESHIP_PYENV_SYMBOL "Use %BSPACESHIP_PYTHON_SYMBOL%b instead" spaceship::deprecated SPACESHIP_PYENV_COLOR "Use %bSPACESHIP_PYTHON_COLOR%b instead" # kubectl_context warnings spaceship::deprecated SPACESHIP_KUBECONTEXT_SHOW "Use %BSPACESHIP_KUBECTL_CONTEXT_SHOW%b instead" spaceship::deprecated SPACESHIP_KUBECONTEXT_PREFIX "Use %BSPACESHIP_KUBECTL_CONTEXT_PREFIX%b instead" spaceship::deprecated SPACESHIP_KUBECONTEXT_SUFFIX "Use %BSPACESHIP_KUBECTL_CONTEXT_SUFFIX%b instead" spaceship::deprecated SPACESHIP_KUBECONTEXT_COLOR "Use %BSPACESHIP_KUBECTL_CONTEXT_COLOR%b instead" spaceship::deprecated SPACESHIP_KUBECONTEXT_NAMESPACE_SHOW "Use %BSPACESHIP_KUBECTL_CONTEXT_SHOW_NAMESPACE%b instead" spaceship::deprecated SPACESHIP_KUBECONTEXT_COLOR_GROUPS "Use %BSPACESHIP_KUBECTL_CONTEXT_COLOR_GROUPS%b instead" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SETUP # Setup requirements for prompt # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Runs once when user opens a terminal # All preparation before drawing prompt should be done here prompt_spaceship_setup() { autoload -Uz vcs_info autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook autoload -Uz is-at-least if ! is-at-least 5.2; then print -P "%Bspaceship-prompt%b requires at least %Bzsh v5.2%b (you have %Bv$ZSH_VERSION%b)." print -P "Please upgrade your zsh installation." fi # This variable is a magic variable used when loading themes with zsh's prompt # function. It will ensure the proper prompt options are set. prompt_opts=(cr percent sp subst) # Borrowed from promptinit, sets the prompt options in case the prompt was not # initialized via promptinit. setopt noprompt{bang,cr,percent,subst} "prompt${^prompt_opts[@]}" # Initialize builtin functions zmodload zsh/datetime zmodload zsh/mathfunc # Add hooks add-zsh-hook preexec prompt_spaceship_preexec add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_spaceship_precmd add-zsh-hook chpwd prompt_spaceship_chpwd # Disable python virtualenv environment prompt prefix VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT=true # Configure vcs_info helper for potential use in the future zstyle ':vcs_info:*' enable git zstyle ':vcs_info:git*' formats '%b' # Load sections before rendering spaceship::core::load_sections } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ENTRY POINT # An entry point of prompt # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Pass all arguments to the spaceship_setup function prompt_spaceship_setup "$@"