site_name: Spaceship site_author: Spaceship Team site_url: site_description: Minimalistic, powerful and extremely customizable Zsh prompt copyright: "Copyright © 2021 Denys Dovhan" repo_url: repo_name: spaceship-prompt theme: name: material custom_dir: docs/overrides logo: // icon: repo: fontawesome/brands/github favicon: assets/favicon.ico palette: # Light mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)" scheme: default toggle: icon: material/weather-sunny name: Switch to dark mode # Dark mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" scheme: slate toggle: icon: material/weather-night name: Switch to light mode features: - navigation.sections - navigation.indexes - navigation.instant - navigation.tracking - navigation.tabs - navigation.tabs.sticky - - search.highlight - toc.integrate nav: - Home: - Getting Started: - Configuration: - Introduction: config/ - Prompt configuration: config/ - Loading custom sections: config/ - Built-in Sections: - sections/ - Ansible (Ansible): sections/ - Async (async): sections/ - AWS (aws): sections/ - Battery (battery): sections/ - Bun (bun): sections/ - Conda (conda): sections/ - Crystal (crystal): sections/ - Dart (dart): sections/ - Deno (deno): sections/ - Directory (dir): sections/ - Docker (docker): sections/ - Docker Compose (docker_compose): sections/ - Dotnet (dotnet): sections/ - Elixir (elixir): sections/ - Elm (elm): sections/ - Execution time (exec_time): sections/ - Exit code (exit_code): sections/ - Git (git): sections/ - GNU Screen (gnu_screen): sections/ - Go (golang): sections/ - Google Cloud (gcloud): sections/ - Haskell (haskell): sections/ - Hostname (host): sections/ - IBM Cloud (ibmcloud): sections/ - Java (java): sections/ - Jobs (jobs): sections/ - Julia (julia): sections/ - Kubernetes (kubectl): sections/ - Line separator (line_sep): sections/ - Lua (lua): sections/ - Mercurial (hg): sections/ - Nix Shell (nix-shell): sections/ - Node.js (node): sections/ - OCaml (ocaml): sections/ - Package (package): sections/ - Perl (perl): sections/ - PHP (php): sections/ - Prompt character (char): sections/ - Pulumi (pulumi): sections/ - Python (python): sections/ - Ruby (ruby): sections/ - Rust (rust): sections/ - Scala (scala): sections/ - Sudo (sudo): sections/ - Swift (swift): sections/ - Terraform (terraform): sections/ - Time (time): sections/ - Username (user): sections/ - v (ocaml): sections/ - Virtualenv (venv): sections/ - Xcode (xcode): sections/ - Advanced: - Creating a custom section: advanced/ - Per-directory configuration: advanced/ - API: - Environment: api/ - Sections: api/ - General utilities: api/ - Testing kit: api/ - Registry: - FAQ: - Blog: - blog/ - 2022: - Announcing Spaceship v4 — the faster, the better: blog/ - 2018: - Meet Spaceship v3.0!: blog/ - 2017: - A big update of spaceship-zsh-theme: blog/ - Contribute: markdown_extensions: - meta - md_in_html - def_list - toc: permalink: true - attr_list - tables - pymdownx.tabbed: alternate_style: true - admonition - footnotes - pymdownx.details - pymdownx.superfences - pymdownx.highlight - pymdownx.inlinehilite - pymdownx.emoji: emoji_index: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.twemoji emoji_generator: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.to_svg extra: alternate: - name: English lang: en link: /en - name: Deutsch lang: de link: /de - name: Français lang: fr link: /fr - name: Українська lang: uk link: /uk - name: 简体中文 lang: zh link: /zh - name: Help translating link: analytics: provider: google property: G-0STBM9BNC1 social: - icon: fontawesome/brands/github link: - icon: fontawesome/brands/twitter link: - icon: fontawesome/brands/discord link: extra_css: - assets/styles/themes.css - assets/styles/embed.css - assets/styles/hero.css - assets/styles/companies.css - assets/styles/announce.css - assets/styles/registry.css extra_javascript: - - assets/scripts/registry.js plugins: - search: lang: - en - de - fr - uk - zh - redirects: redirect_maps: config/ api/ - i18n: default_language: en # Default behavior doesn't display language switcher for non-English pages material_alternate: false languages: en: name: English de: name: Deutsch fr: name: Français uk: name: Українська zh: name: 简体中文 nav_translations: de: # TODO: Add German translations fr: # TODO: Add French translations uk: Home: Головна Getting Started: Початок роботи Configuration: Конфігурація Introduction: Вступ Prompt configuration: Налаштування командного рядка Loading custom sections: Завантаження власних секцій Built-in Sections: Вбудовані секції Advanced: Розширені можливості Creating a custom section: Створення власної секції Per-directory configuration: Налаштування для кожної директорії API: API Environment: Середовище Sections: Секції General utilities: Загальні утиліти Testing kit: Інструменти тестування Registry: Реєстр FAQ: ЧАПИ Blog: Блог Contribute: Зробити внесок zh: # TODO: Add Chinese translations