# Rust `rust` !!! important "This section is rendered asynchronously by default" !!! info [**Rust**](https://www.rust-lang.org) is a systems programming language that is focused on safety, speed, and concurrency. The `rust` section displays the version of Rust. This section is displayed only when the current directory is within a Rust project, meaning: * Upsearch finds `Cargo.toml` file * The current directory contains any `.rs` file ## Displaying verbose version By default, this section will strip all of the suffixes from the version. For example, `1.42.0-nightly.2020-06-09` will be displayed as `1.42.0`. To disable that behavior use a `SPACESHIP_RUST_VERBOSE_VERSION` environment variable. ```zsh title=".zshrc" # Display verbose version SPACESHIP_RUST_VERBOSE_VERSION=true ``` ## Options | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :------------------------------- | :--------------------------------: | --------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_RUST_SHOW` | `true` | Show section | | `SPACESHIP_RUST_ASYNC` | `true` | Render section asynchronously | | `SPACESHIP_RUST_PREFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX` | Section's prefix | | `SPACESHIP_RUST_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Section's suffix | | `SPACESHIP_RUST_SYMBOL` | `🦀·` | Symbol displayed before the section | | `SPACESHIP_RUST_COLOR` | `red` | Section's color | | `SPACESHIP_RUST_VERBOSE_VERSION` | `false` | Show what branch is being used, if any. |