#compdef fwupdmgr # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Description # ----------- # # Completion script for fwupdmgr 1.2.9 (https://github.com/hughsie/fwupd). # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Authors # ------- # # * Julien Nicoulaud # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _fwupdmgr() { local context state state_descr line typeset -A opt_args _arguments -C \ '(- : *)'{-h,--help}'[display help information]' \ '(- : *)'{-v,--version}'[display version information]' \ {-v,--verbose}'[show extra debugging information]' \ --offline'[schedule installation for next reboot when possible]' \ --allow-reinstall'[allow re-installing existing firmware versions]' \ --allow-older'[allow downgrading firmware versions]' \ --force'[override warnings and force the action]' \ '(-y, --assume-yes)'{-y,--assume-yes}'[answer yes to all questions]' \ --sign'[sign the uploaded data with the client certificate]' \ --no-unreported-check'[do not check for unreported history]' \ --no-metadata-check'[do not check for old metadata]' \ --no-reboot-check'[do not check for reboot after update]' \ --no-history'[do not write to the history database]' \ --show-all-devices'[show devices that are not updatable]' \ '(-): :->command' \ '(-)*:: :->arguments' \ && ret=0 case $state in (command) _fwupdmgr_commands ;; (arguments) curcontext=${curcontext%:*:*}:fwupdmgr-$words[1]: if (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_${words[1]}_args] )); then _fwupdmgr_${words[1]}_args else _message "unknown command ${words[1]}" && ret=1 fi ;; (*) _message "unknown state $state" && ret=1 ;; esac } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_commands] )) || _fwupdmgr_commands() { local commands=( 'activate:activate devices' 'clear-history:erase all firmware update history' 'clear-offline:clears any updates scheduled to be updated offline' 'clear-results:clears the results from the last update' 'disable-remote:disables a given remote' 'downgrade:downgrades the firmware on a device' 'enable-remote:enables a given remote' 'get-approved-firmware:gets the list of approved firmware' 'get-details:gets details about a firmware file' 'get-devices:get all devices that support firmware updates' 'get-history:show history of firmware updates' 'get-releases:gets the releases for a device' 'get-remotes:gets the configured remotes' 'get-results:gets the results from the last update' 'get-topology:get all devices according to the system topology' 'get-updates:gets the list of updates for connected hardware' 'install:install a firmware file on this hardware' 'modify-config:modifies a daemon configuration value' 'modify-remote:modifies a given remote' 'refresh:refresh metadata from remote server' 'report-history:share firmware history with the developers' 'set-approved-firmware:sets the list of approved firmware' 'unlock:unlocks the device for firmware access' 'update:updates all firmware to latest versions available' 'verify:gets the cryptographic hash of the dumped firmware' 'verify-update:update the stored metadata with current ROM contents' ) _describe -t commands commands commands } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_activate_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_activate_args() { _arguments -C \ '1: :_fwupdmgr_device_ids' } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_clear-history_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_clear-history_args() { _message 'no more arguments' && ret=0 } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_clear-results_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_clear-results_args() { _arguments -C \ '1: :_fwupdmgr_device_ids' } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_disable-remote_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_disable-remote_args() { _arguments -C \ '1: :_fwupdmgr_remote_ids' } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_downgrade_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_downgrade_args() { _arguments -C \ '1: :_fwupdmgr_device_ids' } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_enable-remote_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_enable-remote_args() { _arguments -C \ '1: :_fwupdmgr_remote_ids' } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_get-approved-firmware_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_get-approved-firmware_args() { _message 'no more arguments' && ret=0 } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_get-details_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_get-details_args() { _files } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_get-devices_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_get-devices_args() { _message 'no more arguments' && ret=0 } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_get-history_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_get-history_args() { _message 'no more arguments' && ret=0 } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_get-releases_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_get-releases_args() { _arguments -C \ '1: :_fwupdmgr_device_ids' } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_get-remotes_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_get-remotes_args() { _message 'no more arguments' && ret=0 } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_get-results_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_get-results_args() { _arguments -C \ '1: :_fwupdmgr_device_ids' } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_get-topology_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_get-topology_args() { _message 'no more arguments' && ret=0 } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_get-updates_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_get-updates_args() { _message 'no more arguments' && ret=0 } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_install_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_install_args() { _arguments -C \ '1: :_files' \ '2: :_fwupdmgr_device_ids' } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_TODO_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_TODO_args() { _message 'no more arguments' && ret=0 } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_modify-config_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_modify-config_args() { local ret=1 if compset -P '*,'; then _wanted config-value expl 'config value' _fwupdmgr_config_values ${IPREFIX%=} && ret=0 else _wanted config-key expl 'config key' _fwupdmgr_config_keys -qS, && ret=0 fi return ret } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_modify-remote_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_modify-remote_args() { _arguments -C \ '1: :_fwupdmgr_remote_ids' \ '2: :_fwupdmgr_remote_keys' \ '3: :_fwupdmgr_remote_values' } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_refresh_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_refresh_args() { _arguments -C \ '1: :_files' \ '2:file signature:' \ '3: :_fwupdmgr_remote_ids' } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_report-history_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_report-history_args() { _message 'no more arguments' && ret=0 } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_set-approved-firmware_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_set-approved-firmware_args() { _message 'checksum' && ret=0 } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_unlock_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_unlock_args() { _arguments -C \ '1: :_fwupdmgr_device_ids' } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_update_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_update_args() { _message 'no more arguments' && ret=0 } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_verify_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_verify_args() { _arguments -C \ '1: :_fwupdmgr_device_ids' } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_verify-update_args] )) || _fwupdmgr_verify-update_args() { _arguments -C \ '1: :_fwupdmgr_device_ids' } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_device_ids] )) || _fwupdmgr_device_ids() { # TODO add device name as description local devices=($(_call_program devices fwupdmgr get-devices | grep -Po 'DeviceId:\s+\K(.*)')) _describe -t devices 'device ID' devices } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_remote_ids] )) || _fwupdmgr_remote_ids() { # TODO add remote description local remotes=($(_call_program remotes fwupdmgr get-remotes | grep -Po 'Remote ID:\s+\K(.*)')) _describe -t remotes 'remote ID' remotes } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_checksums] )) || _fwupdmgr_checksums() { _guard '[^\-]#' 'checksum' } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_config_keys] )) || _fwupdmgr_config_keys() { _guard '[^\-]#' 'config key' } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_config_values] )) || _fwupdmgr_config_values() { _guard '[^\-]#' 'config value' } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_remote_keys] )) || _fwupdmgr_remote_keys() { _guard '[^\-]#' 'remote key' } (( $+functions[_fwupdmgr_remote_values] )) || _fwupdmgr_remote_values() { _guard '[^\-]#' 'remote value' } _fwupdmgr "$@" # Local Variables: # mode: Shell-Script # sh-indentation: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # sh-basic-offset: 2 # End: # vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et