diff --git a/home/.config/nvim/coc.vim b/home/.config/nvim/coc.vim index d685182..9678931 100644 --- a/home/.config/nvim/coc.vim +++ b/home/.config/nvim/coc.vim @@ -156,18 +156,20 @@ command! -nargs=0 OR :call CocActionAsync('runCommand', 'editor.action.org " Mappings for CoCList " Show all diagnostics -nnoremap CA :CocList diagnostics +nnoremap ca :CocList diagnostics " Manage extensions -nnoremap CE :CocList extensions +nnoremap ce :CocList extensions " Show commands -nnoremap CC :CocList commands +nnoremap cc :CocList commands " Find symbol of current document -nnoremap CO :CocList outline +nnoremap co :CocList outline " Search workspace symbols -nnoremap CS :CocList -I symbols +nnoremap cs :CocList -I symbols " Do default action for next item -nnoremap CJ :CocNext +nnoremap cj :CocNext " Do default action for previous item -nnoremap CK :CocPrev +nnoremap ck :CocPrev " Resume latest coc list -nnoremap CP :CocListResume +nnoremap cp :CocListResume +" reload rust language server +nnoremap crr :CocCommand rust-analyzer.reload diff --git a/home/.config/nvim/nvim-tree.vim b/home/.config/nvim/nvim-tree.vim index 6083ee6..d49fb59 100644 --- a/home/.config/nvim/nvim-tree.vim +++ b/home/.config/nvim/nvim-tree.vim @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ local function my_on_attach(bufnr) -- however, through magic, the default keys are loaded anyways ONLY IN WSL -- I have made a separate branch (wsl) for any such things -- just use a proper Linux, if possible - api.config.mappings.default_on_attach(bufnr) + --api.config.mappings.default_on_attach(bufnr) -- custom mappings -- cd