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2023-01-07 21:57:26 +01:00
#compdef jmeter-plugins
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description
# -----------
# Completion script for jmeter-plugins command line tool 0.4.2
# (
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Authors
# -------
# * Julien Nicoulaud <>
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
_arguments \
'(- 1 *)--help[show help options]' \
'--generate-png[generate PNG file containing graph]:PNG file name:_files -g "*.png"' \
'--generate-csv[generate CSV file containing graph data]:CSV file name:_files -g "*.csv"' \
'--input-jtl[load data from specified JTL file]:JTL file:_files -g "*.jtl"' \
'--plugin-type[type of graph to use for results generation]:class:((AggregateReport ThreadsStateOverTime BytesThroughputOverTime HitsPerSecond LatenciesOverTime PerfMon ResponseCodesPerSecond ResponseTimesDistribution ResponseTimesOverTime ResponseTimesPercentiles ThroughputOverTime ThroughputVsThreads TimesVsThreads TransactionsPerSecond))' \
'--width[set graph width]:graph width (pixels)' \
'--height[set graph height]::graph height (pixels)' \
'--granulation[granulation time for samples]:time (ms)' \
'--relative-times[use relative X axis times, no will set absolute times]: :((yes no))' \
'--aggregate-rows[aggregate all rows into one]: :((yes no))' \
'--paint-gradient[paint gradient background]: :((yes no))' \
'--paint-zeroing[paint zeroing lines]: :((yes no))' \
'--prevent-outliers[prevent outliers on distribution graph]: :((yes no))' \
'--limit-rows[limit number of points in row]:number of points' \
'--force-y[force Y axis limit]:limit' \
'--hide-low-counts[hide points with sample count below limit]:limit'
# Local Variables:
# mode: Shell-Script
# sh-indentation: 2
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# sh-basic-offset: 2
# End:
# vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et