
59 lines
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2023-01-07 21:57:26 +01:00
#compdef jmeter
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description
# -----------
# Completion script for JMeter (
# Status: incomplete
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Authors
# -------
# * Julien Nicoulaud <>
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
_arguments \
'(- 1 *)--?[print command line options and exit]' \
'(- 1 *)'{-h,--help}'[print usage information and exit]' \
'(- 1 *)'{-v,--version}'[print the version information and exit]' \
{-p,--propfile}'[the jmeter property file to use]:properties file:_files -g "*.properties"' \
'*'{-q,--addprop}'[additional property file(s)]:properties file:_files -g "*.properties"' \
{-t,--testfile}'[the jmeter test plan file to run]:JMeter test plan file:_files -g "*.jmx"' \
{-j,--jmeterlogfile}'[the jmeter log file]: :_files -g "*.log"' \
{-l,--logfile}'[the file to log samples to]: :_files -g "*.jtl"' \
{-i,--jmeterlogconf}'[jmeter logging configuration file]: :_files -g "*.xml"' \
{-j,--jmeterlogfile}'[jmeter run file]: :_files -g "*.log"' \
{-n,--nongui}'[run JMeter in nongui mode]' \
{-s,--server}'[run the JMeter server]' \
{-E,--proxyScheme}'[set a proxy scheme to use for the proxy server]:scheme' \
{-H,--proxyHost}'[set a proxy server for JMeter to use]: :_hosts' \
{-P,--proxyPort}'[set proxy server port for JMeter to use]:number' \
{-N,--nonProxyHosts}'[set non proxy host list]:host' \
{-u,--username}'[set username for proxy server that JMeter is to use]:username:_users' \
{-a,--password}'[set password for proxy server that JMeter is to use]:password' \
{-J-,--jmeterproperty}'[define additional JMeter properties]:argument=value' \
{-G-,--globalproperty}'[define Global properties (sent to servers)]:argument=value' \
{-D-,--systemproperty}'[define additional System properties]:argument=value' \
{-S,--systemPropertyFile}'[a property file to be added as System properties]:properties file:_files -g "*.properties"' \
{-f,--forceDeleteResultFile}'[force delete existing results files and web report folder]' \
{-L,--loglevel}'[define loglevel]:[category=]level' \
{-r,--runremote}'[start remote servers (as defined by the jmeter property remote_hosts)]' \
{-R,--remotestart}'[start these remote servers (overrides remote_hosts)]:remote servers list' \
{-d,--homedir}'[the JMeter home directory to use]: :_files -/' \
{-X,--remoteexit}'[exit the remote servers at end of test (non-GUI)]' \
{-g,--removeonly}'[generate report dashboard only, from a test results file]: :_files' \
{-e,--reportatendofloadtests}'[generate report dashboard after load test]' \
{-o,--reportoutputfolder}'[output folder for report dashboard]: :_files -/'
# Local Variables:
# mode: Shell-Script
# sh-indentation: 2
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# sh-basic-offset: 2
# End:
# vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et